why do we need to sneeze?

Let us explore, enumerate, and explain the real scientific beauty of sneezing reflex.
The reflex arch, which is responsible for every reflex action, consists of,
1. The afferent sensory component of sensory receptor, sensory organ, and sensory nerve.
2. Integrating and evaluating neuron cells in the central nervous system.
3. The motor neuron cells of the central nervous system, the efferent motor nerves, neuromuscular junction, and the effector's muscles.
When a foreign object falls into the nose, the cells of the nose act as receptors. produce action potential of the fifth cranial nerve, the sensory trigeminal nerve, which, in turn, conveys the message of the presence of the foreign object in the nose to the brainstem, thalamus, the sensory relay center, and the sensory Parietal Cortex of the brain.
The central evaluating neuron cells send an appropriate message to the corresponding muscles of the respiratory system including the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to blow the foreign object with extremely forceful wind energy (Vayu-Air Element).
This is the first line of defense mechanism or the normal physiological immune response.
If the first physiological response fails, the foreign object is washed out with the downpour of the saline effusion (Jal-Water Element) from the extracellular fluid surrounding the cells of the nose.
If the second physiological response fails, the body increases the body temperature to burn the foreign object with heat (Agni-Fire Element).
Please note that the first three defense responses are executed by the three fundamental phenomena of Nature.
If the third physiological response fails, the body recognizes the foreign object as harmful microorganism and orders neutrophil cells, the white blood cells, to engulf the foreign object.
If the fourth physiological response fails, the body orders monocytes, the bigger white blood cells, to engulf the foreign object.
If the fifth physiological response fails, the body orders eosinophils, the white blood cells, to neutralize the allergic reactions of the foreign object.
If the sixth physiological response fails, the body basophils, the white blood cells, to minimize the hypersensitivity reactions of the foreign object.
If the seventh physiological response fails, the body lymphocytes, the white blood cells, to produce cell-mediated immunity or the humoral immunity responses.
If this response also fails, the body orders the first layer of the adrenal cortex to produce mineralocorticoids to restore the water and sodium content of the body.
If the ninth physiological response also fails, the body orders the adrenal medulla to produce catecholamines to safeguard the body.
The Essence:
Kindly note the ten stages of the natural innate and physiological defense mechanism of the body.
Now, let us continue with the earlier answer.
Can a simple case of nasal congestion and sneezing be the cause of Enlightenment?
I am certain that everyone will be surprised by an answer with scientific evidence.
I had been suffering from nasal congestion and sneezing since childhood and no one could cure the underlying cause.
In 1975, after training in General Surgery in Madras Medical College and Government General Hospital, Chennai, I decided to pursue Post Graduate studies in ENT Surgery.
The prime reason was to find the underlying cause of nasal congestion and sneezing.
During the course of three years of training and practice, almost every diagnostic and treatment technique was explored and experimented without producing any result.
As a result, I started exploring alternative medical systems, like, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and natural healing. These systems reduced the symptoms and frequency.
Somehow, I could not figure out the real cause.
In 1991, I was initiated into the practice of Simplified Kundalini Yoga.
During the initiation, I experienced the activation, awakening, and ascension of a mysterious force called Kundalini from the upper abdomen to the forehead. This made me recognize the presence of Kundalini, Chakras, and Nadis within my physical body.
In 1995, I registered for Ph. D. with the University of Madras to find the objective basis of the subjective sensations associated with Kundalini Awakening and Kundalini Yoga.
After many years of research, I realized that the nasal congestion and sneezing are, in reality, the physiological, immune, and defense responses of the body and not pathological issues.
Nasal congestion is the beneficial side effect of increased blood supply to the brain.
Now, let us explore, enumerate, and explain this phenomenon with scientific evidence.
I acknowledge that I have been a conscientious student since childhood and my brain is highly intuitive and mathematical.
As a result, I have an unusual and exemplary academic record from primary school to the university.
It is also true that almost all the hundred billion neuron cells of my nervous system are fully active, alive, and integrated. As a result, I can produce a predominant and coherent alpha rhythm of 8 Hertz frequency throughout the brain with closed and open eyes.
The coherent alpha rhythm of 8 Hertz is a reflection of better supply to the brain.
The nasal congestion and sneezing are results of increased blood supply to the nose.
The above research findings are part of my Ph.D. Thesis, “Physiology of Kundalini Yoga – Power Spectrum Analysis of Electroencephalogram” presented to the University of Madras in 2001, and the Scientific Evaluation of Akhand Yoga.
To the best of my knowledge, this rare phenomenon has not been demonstrated by anyone else in the world.
With the regular practice of ten principles of Akhand Yoga, I was able to recognize, conceive, and reveal Divyank, the Divine Constant, with which the perfect and most beautiful objects of the universe and Nature are designed and created for the first time in the history of mankind.
The Essence and Conclusion:
Sneezing is an essential, immune, physiological, and defense mechanism to protect us from the onslaught of the foreign invaders, which can lead to many ailments, including the psychosomatic disorders called Kundalini Syndrome.
Sneezing reflexes can increase the blood supply to the brain and this, in turn, can lead to the activation and integration of the three outer layers of the neocortex of the brain.
As a result, we can be in tune with the Universal Consciousness and decode the hidden messages of the stories of Vedas, Upanishads, and other scriptures
wow cool