“I think this will happen when I am sure of the guy,” says Kenny, 24.
David, 27, says; “I actually do not think there is a rule to this, I could do introduce bae to my peeps whenever I feel like. Doesn’t matter if I am sure she will marry me or not.”

According to dating expert, April Masini, the earliest time to make this move is after six months.

"Anytime before that is too soon because the relationship is not clear. After six months of dating, you’ll know someone better and they’ll know you better — to the extent that you can both decide by then, if you want to be monogamous and committed to each other."

Around this time, she says, things would have gotten to a stage where it is only natural to take them home and introduce them to

When the time comes, it is important to do the prep work before hand, according to Cosmopolitan.
"Let your significant other know ahead of time any weird family traditions or topics he should avoid. What might be a casual remark from your partner can open the floodgates. Make him a list of sensitive issues to never bring up!"
It is also important to keep the first meeting as short as possible, if you can. Also, be a good host/hostess and do not leave them alone as they may feel bored, isolated, etc.