Kanye West feels reconnected to his faith in JESUS CHRIST
Kanye West feels reconnected to his faith in JESUS CHRIST
In recent tweets, Iconic Rapper Kanye West credits Chance the Rapper for helping him reconnect his faith in Jesus Christ, and also shared how the love and grace of God has impacted his family.
“You have to see and feel how happy I am and how strong my family is. We are even stronger because of this through the love and grace of God” the Hip-Hop Superstar tweeted
I need to speak about how Chance demanding that we record in Chicago reconnected me with my roots and also my faith in Jesus Christ
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Kanye later shared a screenshot of the bible passage Ephesians 3:6 which says, “And this is God’s plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus”
Chance the Rapper is currently out on his first sabbatical to learn more about God’s word. The Grammy Award-winning rapper made the announcement earlier this month on his Instagram saying;
“I’m on a plane headed out the country on my first sabbatical. I’m going away to learn the Word of God which I am admittedly very unfamiliar with” Chance continues “I’ve been brought up by my family to know Christ but I haven’t taken it upon myself to really just take a couple days and read my bible. we all quote scripture and tell each other what God likes and doesn’t like but how much time do we spend as followers of Jesus to really just read and KNOW his Word“
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